Sunday, 23 March 2014

Dandruff - Causes & Remedies

Dandruff is a common scalp disorder distressing almost everyone at some point of their lives. It often causes an itchy , red & greasy scalp with white flakes putting off even the best hairstyle !

Fortunately, dandruff can be controlled. In mild cases, one only needs to find a suitable shampoo which contains a gentle cleanser. When the dandruff is severe, a medicated shampoo is required.

Various universal causes of dandruff –

  • Not enough hair brushing
  • Exposure to extreme temperatures
  • Dry & Oily skin
  • Not enough shampooing
  • Certain skin conditions for example Psoriasis & Eczema
  • Reaction to hair / skin care products
  • Lack of Zinc & Vitamin B in diet
  • Mental stress

Home Remedies - 

  • Tea tree oil mixed with equal parts of coconut oil can be applied overnight for good results.
  • Baking soda rubbed into wet hair reduces inching & helps to produce natural oils making the scalp flakes free. Shampoo should be avoided when rinsing.
  • Scalp rinsed with Apple cider vinegar mixed with equal parts of water and then washed after half an hour reduces dandruff.
  • Coconut oil applied overnight and washed with a mild shampoo is a very well known cure for dandruff. Same can be done with Olive oil.
  • Using Fenugreek water after soaking the seeds overnight plays a role in controlling dandruff.
  • Lemon & Yogurt are very good agents in helping to reduce dandruff. It can be applied half and hour before rinsing off with water.
  • With regular use of Aloe Vera , it helps to reduce itching thus keeping dandruff at bay.

IMPORTANT - Please see a doctor if the problem persists after more than a couple of weeks of treatment.


  1. Thank you Shazia! Very we'll written!

  2. Thank you Shazia I will try the home remedies

  3. You are welcome ladies :)
    Please let me know the results too Saba Khan :)
