Saturday, 14 February 2015

Have you wished the most important person in your life Happy Valentines?

It’s amazing how life brings you exactly what you need. And this Valentine’s I hope all of us will endeavor to be more loving, caring, nurturing and giving to the most important person in our life – our self.
Recently I noticed a trend in the people I have been coaching. Client’s start off thinking that it is somebody else who is responsible for the way they are feeling. Clients feel run down, lost and depleted like a diluted version of them self. After coaching realization dawns that the most important relationship they have ignored is the one they have with them self. That is when true transformation occurs.

Not surprisingly the majority of such clients are women and a few men. 

A personal anecdote that I always share is when I underwent a low in my life and my mother-in-law who was visiting at the time said to me: “Do what makes you happy, whether it is going to work, pursuing a hobby, learning a new skill or associating with a charitable organisation. Once you, the centre of the house is happy, you will be able to make others around you happy.” Its something I have reaped the benefits of and also shared with my life coaching clients.

The five basic self care principles I would urge all men and women to commit themselves to:
1)   ME time. Spend time with yourself. It’s not an act of selfishness rather the opposite.  Just the way we shower everyday to keep ourselves physically clean we need to have a daily practice of ‘internal’ cleanse of our negative emotions, stressors and any other pent up feelings that are causing us to not be our self.
2)   Sense of humor. Learn to laugh off the mistakes and troughs in life knowing that “this too shall pass.” And any highs also need to be taken in your stride knowing that “this too shall pass.” A sense of humor allows us to take ourselves lightly, forgiving ourselves for our errors and being easy on others.
3)   Compete with yourself. Comparison with others only leads to feelings of inadequacy and jealousy. We tend to compare the inside of our self with the outside of others. Healthy competition that spurs you to the next level is being a better version of yourself.
4)   Pamper yourself. Its only when you experience the feeling of being pampered can you pamper others. Light the candles, smell the fragrance and only then can you make another feel like royalty. Pampering begins with one self.
5)   Indulge in warm, loving and encouraging self talk. We can be harsh, judgmental and unforgiving to ourselves; constantly berating ourselves for our follies. Talk to yourself the way you would like your best friend to talk to you. Charity begins at home, the true meaning is being charitable to one self.

This Valentines make a commitment to your self – to love yourself like no other being in this universe.

Sunaina Vohra
Athena Life Coaching
Ph: (+971) 56-1399033

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