Sunday, 20 July 2014

Your Child Can be a Better Student- Here's How

Some kids just excel at their school work, they seemingly breeze by the tests getting great grades and don't even break a sweat. But some kids seem to be struggling along, and not getting the desired results, this leads to frustration and lack of motivation.

There are little bits and pieces you can do to help you child through this. I myself have implemented these things, and they do help in most cases.

1. Environment and Discipline: Make sure he has all his stationery and other requirements, let him choose in fact. Sometimes they need specific things but don't tell us. Then make sure that routine is established and a set number of hours each day are allocated to school work in a neat and tidy environment.

2. Encourage Independence but Check In: Don't hold the pencil for your kid, so to speak. Let him do the research, let him put his ideas to work. But check in on him from time to time, provide feedback and offer encouragement.

3. Discuss, Talk and Listen: The 3 golden words to solve many a problems. Often times the lack of concentration may be due to another issue, like an unfriendly teacher, bullying, eyesight issues etc. For instance I was noticing that my son was not at  par with his regular standard of work but he's the silent type and doesn't talk much. I sat him down and asked him about his eyesight (I was already suspicious) and he admitted that the words looked blurry. Things got much better after he got glasses.

4. Proper Exercise and Diet: A active mind needs an active body which in turn requires a balanced diet and an adequate physical outlet. I have noticed that whenever the kids go out and play even for 10 minutes they appear calmer and concentrate better on their work.

5. Communicate with the Teacher: This goes without saying, since her insight from the classroom will help you assess your child and his weak spots better, then do revision and practice.

6. Is the System a Good Match for your Child: I noticed that for my particular set of circumstances the current o' level system was not a good match for my son. Our plan is to pursue his higher studies back in Pakistan and so it makes sense to give the board exams from there. So we switched his school where he found more like minded boys, and made good progress. 

7. Arrange Group Studies: It's difficult for a bunch of friends to get together besides playing being on the agenda, but do not underestimate the power of group studies. If possible get together with a bunch of parents whose kids study in your child's class and have them sit down together to study. 

8. Limit the use of Tech: My eldest is 14 and yet I don't think she is ready to have her own cell or own account on the social networks or even skype, and she understands that. She does have her own laptop and we schedule time for her on it. These are distractions and there will be time enough later. Being online without supervision is also not safe for kids. I told her to add her friends on my accounts till we decide she is responsible enough to handle it on her own. Similarly iPads and gaming devices should be restricted and made a part of the routine. 

9. Keeping up to Date with Current Events: Kids like to be spoken to as adults, and discussing the headlines is a good way to do this. Talking on social issues and debating some topics that our society is facing like, pollution, global warming, things like that help in grounding the kids.

10. Volunteer Work: Whether it be in school or some place else, this also helps build a sense of responsibility which will boost morale and build motivation for your child to excel at his studies.

11. Read Together: No matter how old your child, you can still find material to read to him or vice versa. And for younger kids there is no doubt that it increases vocabulary and spellings and language skills.

12. Proper Sleep: A set bed time, and at least 8 hours are paramount for optimal working of the brain. It is during sleep that memories are made permanent and the irrelevant stuff is put aside. The body heals itself and all these things are necessary if your child is to perform well.

These are the time tested ways to improve your child's performance both in school as well as at home. Hope it has been helpful and given you some pointers.



  1. 👍👍really useful article. I agree with all points mentioned especially usage of tech.

  2. Yeah that one really distracts the children, its so addictive. Thanks for the comment.

  3. Interesting! though I differ on group studies cause of what I have seen with my girls

  4. Yes that's why I said if it could be pulled off. Thanks for the feedback!
