Wednesday, 28 January 2015

“How do I stay focused on one task without getting distracted?”

Given the number of distractions in our environment I see more and more parents complaining about how their children lack focus. Though today's topic: "How can I stay focused on one task and not get distracted" applies to everyone young and old. I myself have found myself on many occasions being tempted to check my emails, update twitter and watch a webinar all at the same time!

Today’s question is around a very important aspect of all our lives. A parent has sent in the question but it is applicable to adults too!
“How do I stay focused on one task without getting distracted?”

Please click on the photo below to watch the video and hear what you need to do to be successful in staying focused:

Wednesday, 21 January 2015

How can you keep yourself stress free and your child safe on social networking sites?

As adults (parents and others above the age of 21 years who can influence younger children) our actions are being closely followed more than our words. And with the written word being cut short from OK to K, children are moving at a really fast pace to absorb everything in the environment created in real life and in cyber life. There are certain rules around social networking that parents can follow in their homes to create a safe and open environment for the entire family. As always communication is key! 

Click the photo to see the video blog!